About RDuffer

born CA lived AR/AK/MO/TX but home is HI Woodturner since 2002 I like carving, painting, gardening, frisbee and EVs 4 children and 5 grandchildren

Next Meeting is November 14, 2023

Demonstration: Robert Duffer will conduct an action packed kazoo turning demonstration. He piques your interest with the following poetic words:
“On November’s second Tues, I’ll share a slew of clever clues, clever clues that you can use to make yourself a few kazoos. A few kazoos that you can use if you might choose to play the blues. It’s something new for you to do or give as gifts to your whole crew.
And if kazoos are not for you, you are excused to take a snooze. Kazoos or Snooze, you just can’t lose!

Challenge: Luther Bjornsen, wowed us with his sphere turning
demonstration at the last meeting. Now’s your chance to show club members the sphere you designed.
Just remember, it must fit in a 10” cube.

Next Meeting July 11 at 6 PM

“Hi there, what’s your name?” For the July meeting, members are challenged to turn a nametag with their name on it. Let your imagination fly……there’s no size limit but we may make you wear it! Come to our next meeting on Tuesday, July 11, 6pm at MRC Roofing on Sand Island. We want to SEE your name!

Next Meeting Tuesday, May 9, 2023 at 6:00PM

The next Honolulu Woodturners meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 9, 2023 at 6:00PM. Attend in-person or by Zoom. Join us in-person to chat, gain insights and perhaps get inspiration for your next turning.

  • Demonstration: Member Warren Naai will be turning a molinillo de madera (wooden whisk/mill). This will be a spindle turning demo and including: coves, beads, hollowing, carving and coloring the wood.
  • Woodturning Challenge for May: Members were challenged to turn an open-faced bowl (10” maximum diameter) for the next meeting.
  • As always, there may be free wood that fellow members may kindly bring!

Magic @ Mike’s schedule

APRIL 15, 2023 Saturday

Time Activity Presenter
9:00 to 10:00 Chain saw safety and maintenance Barry Wheeler
9:00 to 10:00 Band saw safety and maintenance Tim Freeman
10:00 to 10:15 Break
10:15 to 11:45 Basic bowl turning and mounting options Craig Mason
11:45 to 12:00 Form teams Rob Hale
12:00 to 1:00 Lunch Andy Cole

Club will provide hot dogs and hamburgers,
chips, vegetable tray, water and soda.

1:00 to 3:00 Teams create bowls All
3:00 to 4:00 Review bowls and clean up All

Facebook site that is just for us!

As mentioned in the January meeting, we have a Facebook members only community site. You have to be a member to see pages, comments and post. To be a member is easy — just ask someone to invite you (like me!). We will limit the group to members of the club and some exceptions for friends of the club. But for now drop me a line and I will get an invite to you.